Monday, September 27, 2004


Where has my heart drifted,

Far once again.

Gazing at worldly things,

Where did it begin. (Contemplating Sin)

Maybe when I compromised,

By entertaining just one thought,

Or was it when I failed to read,

My own desires are what I sought.

I think it’s when temptation came,

I didn’t stop to pray.

Foolishly I leaned on my own strength

That’s when I went astray.

“Surely not I, I’ll never betray you,”

I cried out unknowingly,

But when time came to stand or fall,

I fell to corruption so easily.

I heard the whisper in my ear,

Nudging me to again choose sin.

That wicked voice I often hear,

Sad to say, this battle I didn’t win.

I let sin reign in my body,

I obeyed it in it’s lust.

Why didn’t I pursue righteousness?

I’m miserable now, I can’t go on, REPENTANCE IS A MUST!!!

Friday, September 24, 2004

Analogies: Term Paper

Term Paper...(Listening to instructions)
It's the end of the semester and it's near due date for the big term paper. You take your rough draft to your professor and have him proof read it. After looking over the pages, he returns the paper with indications of mis-spelled words, improper grammer, comma splices, etc. He makes some suggestions as to what could be added to the paper to make its presentation stronger. Well, you take the paper home and type your final draft but instead of making the revisions instructed, you decide to go back to what you had before your professor edited it. Now, when you turn this paper in you are dumbfounded that you have received a failing grade on the assignment. On graduation day you just hang your head in shame because you aren't able to walk with your classmates because of that failing grade you received. BUMMER! If only you would have listened to what professor suggested, you would have passed the class and made it...


Isaiah 44:22 I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, And like a cloud, your sins. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you."

Acts 3:19 Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord,

When we come to Jesus with a sincere heart and repent (turn away) from our sins, He is more than willing to blot them out. Like with the professor, it's like Jesus has edited our life and shown us what needs to be done in order to live according to God's plan. The Bible tells us what God asks of us and how to please the Lord. When God has showed us what needs to be done, and what needs to be taken out of our lives or put into our lives it's up to us what we do with it. Wouldn’t it be foolish to return to those areas Jesus' blotted out and replace that portion of your heart with the exact same filth? It would wouldn't it? Too often we find ourselves doing this very thing though. It's like a post I made awhile back, "don't cry lead us not into temptation and then walk deliberately into it." When we cry out to God to forgive us of these things, we should turn away from them, not continue to embrace them. Another thing is just like that unfortunate student who wasn't able to graduate at the end of the year since he willingly chose not to take heed to the instructions given, same is in our walk with Christ. By the time our life comes to an end, if we haven't taken to heart the instructions given us by God and truly lived a life devoted to Him, we wont make heaven. Our God is merciful, loving and compassionate, but He is also just and full of wrath. A good judge gives a criminal their due punishment and same is true with our heavenly Father. Hell is home for the ungodly. Scary thing is with that students term paper, he knew exactly when it was due, but we have no clue when our live is due. (Let that soak in a minute). No idea when we will take our last breathe. That is why a decision needs to be made now. Apply those revisions to your life that the Holy Spirit has made known? Is there anything you can pinpoint that is displeasing?

Monday, September 20, 2004

Stop the Ride

Too many times I've cried to you,
"Please forgive me, again I have sinned."
What's different now is I have learned,
If I turn to you Satan is pinned.
I'm tired of returning like a dog to his vomit,
I am through coming with empty promises.
Jesus, I know that you will pick me up,
and the god of this world only demolishes.

Lord, I want to serve you passionately,
but I know I am prone to fall.
Only if I lean on you,
will I be able to stand at all.

Daddy, I am through with this "amusement park,"
with "Roller-coaster Christian" me.
I'm sick from all this up and down,
In your arms is where I long to be.

Here it goes, I'm getting off,
this is where I stop the ride.
Forget waiting until the gate,
On this hill I must smash my pride.
So here's the deal, I'm sure to fall,
If I dismount on my own.
If I hit the bottom I'll surely die,
So Lord please carry me to your throne.

My hands are stretched, my eyes are closed,
I'm coming with godly sorrow.
I'm walking to you, leaning on faith,
There is no way I can wait till tomorrow.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Analogies: Hindering a Relationship

Hindering a relationship...(ungratefullness)

Mom spends all day cleaning the house and finally everything is right in place. She steps out to run an errand, and while she's out you totally trash the place. When mom returns from the store, how do you think she'd react? Would she run up to you and give you a great big hug and kiss? "It's okay sweetie, I like the house messy!" No, she wouldn't react this way, you'd probably get some sort of punishment, and she'd be pretty upset right? Right!

Now, let's think about Jesus for a second! At the point of salvation, Jesus comes into our hearts and washes away our sins. He forgives us of the evil we participated in before and the Bible says He throws our trangressions as far as "east is from the west." Now, how do you think He must feel when he takes a look inside afterwards, and you have brought those filthy sins back into your life? He has every right to be displeased knowing that He was willing to sacrifice His life so that we might live, so that our sins may be forgiven us. Don't you think He is worthy of every area of our lives in return? Yes, I know, we do mess up, but we shouldn't continuously fall to the same sin over and over again after it's been cleansed from our lives. It doesnt have to be a vicious cycle, there really is victory in Christ.

Acts 22:16 And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.'