Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ps 51:7

"Wash me with hyssop and I shall be clean; Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow..."

Make my heart to always know,
the love and mercy you've always shown.

May my eyes always see,
The wonderful things you've done for me.

Help me to find joy in sorrows,
and never worry about tomorrows.

Bring the sins not in sight,
out of the darkness; Into your light.

With your blood remove my stains -
No more guilt, no more shame.

When my heart is filled with pain,
be my comfort, send the rain.

Oh to be held in your arms,
there is peace, I'm not alone.

You give me hope, you make me strong.

A perfect love, how can it be,
that you'd find delight,
in (the likes of me)

...a wretch like me

© 2007 by Demesha Wright

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