not much anymore seems clear.
Am I to stay, am I to go,
His voice I cannot hear.
Picture this..
Being held by your feet,
And turned upside down.
Dangling over uncertainty,
Silence becomes the worst sound.
Beneath you a hole is dug,
It goes down, oh so deep.
And under all the muck and mire,
Is something that makes you weep.
It's solid, it's strong,
not built with mans hands.
The former, it was faulty,
But this, I know it stands.
When I'm beat up and hurting,
And I feel as if I'm falling.
When my heart inside is melting,
This simple truth is reassuring...
There is a foundation thats unchanging,
It's built on Almighty alone.
And when I run to this strong tower,
I'm at rest, I'm at home.
My new foundation has now been laid,
One I'm sure will not crumble.
The only thing to still be broken,
Is my heart, because it's humbled.
© 2009 by Demesha Wright
wonderful! planted on a solid foundation you will not be shaken