Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Runaway Bride

Runaway bride

Runaway, runaway

Back to familiarity
Denying your reality
Distorting sanity

Runaway, runaway

From Him whom you love
Gives peace as a dove
Sent from above

Why are you running,
Away from the Son?

Runaway, runaway

To hide from fear
The truth, hard to hear
Your old life so near

Runaway, runaway

To a life full of ease,
Flesh eager to please
Sin a gripping disease

Why are you running,
Away from the Son?

Nervous, scared, afraid?
Looking for a new day?
Not wanting to leave,
Yet struggling to cleave.

You say, “It’s not Him, it’s me.”


He’s here for you today,
To sweep you away,
Remove the garments of old,
Clothe you in white linens and Gold.

You are more than your past,
Those pleasures don’t last.

He loves you, He waits…
…stop running.

© 2011 by Demesha Wright

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the challenge!

    "My beloved spake and said unto me,
    Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away", Song of Songs 2: 10. Come with Him, rather than run away!

    Grace be with you.
