Friday, July 10, 2009

Prayer Night

Most the church has come and gone,
There only remains a special few.

Pacing the aisles of the sactuary,
Hearts offering praises to you.

For all you've done.

All your doing...

and what you intend to do.

It's the intimacy of your presence,
That keeps us in this place.

It's so real, it's so evident,
Your love radiates from every face.

With my lips I simply pray,
"Lord, I can just feel you right now."

I want this everyday,
Sweet Lord Jesus, show me how.

A small whisper breaks the silence,
One that's spoken in my ear.

Is that you God, Abba Father?
Is that your voice that I hear?

"I don't want you to just 'feel' me,
I want you to be FILLED with me."

I'm humbled here, I'm broken,
I was blinded, now I see.

I was seeking comfort,
I desperately wanted the affection

It was done in a wrong manner,
Wasn't expecting God's correction.

I am thankful now, I know,
If I TRULY want the passion,

I've gotta come with a pure heart,
It wont come in a vain fashion.

2009 Demesha Wright

Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Foundation

I'm vulnerable, spinning in circles,
not much anymore seems clear.
Am I to stay, am I to go,
His voice I cannot hear.

Picture this..

Being held by your feet,
And turned upside down.
Dangling over uncertainty,
Silence becomes the worst sound.

Beneath you a hole is dug,
It goes down, oh so deep.
And under all the muck and mire,
Is something that makes you weep.


It's solid, it's strong,
not built with mans hands.
The former, it was faulty,
But this, I know it stands.

When I'm beat up and hurting,
And I feel as if I'm falling.
When my heart inside is melting,
This simple truth is reassuring...

There is a foundation thats unchanging,
It's built on Almighty alone.
And when I run to this strong tower,
I'm at rest, I'm at home.

My new foundation has now been laid,
One I'm sure will not crumble.
The only thing to still be broken,
Is my heart, because it's humbled.

© 2009 by Demesha Wright

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ps 51:7

"Wash me with hyssop and I shall be clean; Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow..."

Make my heart to always know,
the love and mercy you've always shown.

May my eyes always see,
The wonderful things you've done for me.

Help me to find joy in sorrows,
and never worry about tomorrows.

Bring the sins not in sight,
out of the darkness; Into your light.

With your blood remove my stains -
No more guilt, no more shame.

When my heart is filled with pain,
be my comfort, send the rain.

Oh to be held in your arms,
there is peace, I'm not alone.

You give me hope, you make me strong.

A perfect love, how can it be,
that you'd find delight,
in (the likes of me)

...a wretch like me

© 2007 by Demesha Wright

Monday, June 22, 2009


I know I still love you.

Though I don't feel like I once did.

The romance has faded,

We're back from our trip.

Not wanting to leave,

I'm quite happy with you...HERE

HERE...I just feel the fire has grown dim,

Everything's so still.


Not running away

On this covenant I've made,

I'll honor it.

"For richer or for poorer, In sickness and in health,"

til death unite us...and thereafter...

I choose today to take you Jesus,

In sickness and in sorrow.

In pain and in struggle.

To be both Lord and Savior

Both now and forevermore.

I will love you

JESUS I choose to love you

Emotions are dry,

Feelings are gone...

BUT i know, I Love You!

So i'll stand...

...knowing nothing else to do,

I'll just stand...



...and wait for you!

I praise you for where you've brought me

We've shared some rough years

In the midst of it all

You've covered me

and held my tears.

WE'VE come this far,

I'm not turning back... for now,


© 2008 by Demesha Wright